Friday, October 19, 2007


What is so unique about desserts in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, a dessert does not always have to be something sweet, and it certainly does not have to be eaten at the end of a meal. The strict sequence of dishes to which royal banquets and other formal occasions were once subjected has long since become more relaxed. Steamed rice cakes, fried banana, fruit salad- these delicacies have all passed into the popular culture. The Indonesians have an interesting name for these sweet snacks- cuci mulut, which means roughly “ something with which to cleanse the palate”.

Pisang Goreng

Most visitors to Southeast Asia think of bananas fritters as dessert. In Indonesia, however, they are also enjoyed for breakfast or as a snack. The fritters are best when made with the small thin-skinned bananas found in Southeast Asia. Indonesians are partial to the larger sweet king banana or raja. "Pisang" is banana and "Goreng" is fried in Indonesian.


• 4 Eating bananas
• 2 cups rice flour
• ¼ Tsp salt
• 2/3 cup( 150ml) water
• Oil for frying

Method of Preparation
  1. Combine the rice flour with the salt and water to make a smooth batter.
  2. Heat enough oil for frying shallot ( about 4 Tbs).
  3. Coat the bananas in the batter and fry until they are golden brown.
  4. Drain and serve. A stronger flavour can be obtained by mixing the rice flour with coconut milk instead of water.
  5. Rice flour makes for a particularly crispy batter.

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