Saturday, October 20, 2007


The Birth of EUQINUMAI!

Three great minds were cracking their brains hard on a Tuesday afternoon about the themes pertaining to Southeast Asian life and society. Several disputes aroused during the discussion and caused three great minds to enter into a debate to derive at an ultimate outcome. Dessert is pronounced the new winner of Southeast Asia. The attractiveness of dessert in Southeast Asia is the uniqueness of ingredients used and cultural aspects practiced as compared to the rest of the world. It is increasingly amazing of how the desserts are interrelated in Southeast Asia and how the traditional culture established a firm base and became known till today. Ever wonder how our all time favourite “Ice Kachang” in Singapore come about? Why is it named Ice Kachang and not Ice colourful or Ice rainbow? Now our unique blog will clarify your doubts and provide you with rich and priceless information. These information embarked upon your WHAT, WHY, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW questions.

Without further ado, let’s get STARTED!!! Gentlemen start your engine! VROOM!!!

The Amazing Race!

Click on the countries to discover the heavenly taste of desserts in Southeast Asia! BOO =)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Desserts in Southeast Asia

The video above largely demonstrates the common desserts in general. Common desserts shown in the video include cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries, ice cream and candies. As such, desserts in Southeast Asia can be considered as unqiue in terms of cultural rationality, national identity and the ingredients used.

Desserts in Southeast Asia are usually not consumed at the end of the course. There are several reasons in the consumption of desserts in Southeast Asia. Desserts participate in events like celebration of festive seasons, wildering off bad luck in replacement of achieving succes, wealth and good life and identification of particular ethnic group.

Desserts in Southeast Asia are a form of national identity. For instance, when we mention about the traditional desserts red ruby and ice kacang, it is easily identified that they resemble the states of Thailand and Singapore respectively. These desserts are originated from their respective home countries and became formerly known in every countries as part of the tourist attraction.

The ingredients used in Southeast Asia's desserts distinguishly segregated themselves from the Western desserts. The common ingredients include coconut, lemon grass and tropical fruits. These ingredients are naturally grown in the Southeast Asian countries and thus commonly used in the creation of Southeast Asian desserts.

After a brief introduction of Southeast Asian desserts, let's move on by clicking on the countries on the map to explore further on the traditional and famous desserts in each individual Southeast Asia countries.

The departure of euqinumai!

The entrance of the Southeast Asia Department of the National Library.

Finally a beautiful photo was being captured. This took the security guard of the national library almost 5 times to successfully accomplished his job as a photographer.

Some funky and cheeky SHOT after one freezing afternoon at the national library! BOO! =)

The dessert stall at the marina square food banquet.

SLURPS! An accomplished task!

We ended the journey of the exploration of the Southeast Asian desserts by indulging in the ice mango available at the marina square dessert stall. The picture above clearly shows that Singapore is subjected to influences of globalisation during the colonialism period.

We certainly hoped that you readers have gained much knowledge from this blog.
Congratulations! you have now become an expert on desserts in Southeast Asia.
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